Unlock your online experience: access, requirements, and tips
Our virtual events, eSchools, and webinars use various platforms, including Adobe Connect, Pheedloop Meet & Stream, and Zoom. All of these platforms are web conferencing technology that allows for live virtual meetings. To attend, you will need a computer, tablet, or mobile device with a strong internet connection.
Whether this is your first time attending a virtual event, eSchool, or webinar or you simply need a refresher, review these helpful steps and frequently asked questions below.
Details regarding your registration will be emailed 24 hours prior to the event and will identify the specific platform on which your session will be presented.
Registering on the day of the event
If you register for an virtual event, eSchool, or webinar on the day of the event, please call 800-356-9655 or email hello@americascreditunions.org for assistance.
Recorded Event
All registrations include access to a recording of this event. Recorded events are available within 48 hours of the live event. You can access recorded events by logging into My Account using your website username and password.