America’s Credit Unions is the unified voice of the credit union movement. We are relentless champions for our member credit unions in the federal government and work hand-in-hand with our partners to advance our shared state and local needs. We will not waver in our commitment to advocate for every credit union, large and small.
Our Advocacy Priorities
You can count on America’s Credit Unions to provide forward-thinking advocacy to secure policy wins that allow credit unions to thrive.
We will defend credit unions from attacks – whether it’s preserving the credit union tax status, addressing data security needs, challenging big bank encroachment, fighting for regulatory oversight of developing industries, or tackling overzealous regulatory burdens.
We will be relentless in our efforts to ensure credit unions can provide the services that consumers want and deserve.
We are committed to fiercely advocating for a legislative and regulatory environment that advances credit unions and their nearly 140 million members.

Regulatory Comments and Final Regulation Summaries
Ensure regulators understand how proposed rules will impact credit union operations. Read full text and summaries for final rulemakings.
Our mission is to advocate for and advance an environment where credit unions thrive. In collaboration with our league partners, we will always fight for policies that allow you to better serve your members and communities. Check out our work on issues with Congress and regulatory agencies.

Resource Library
To aid in your advocacy efforts, we’ve built a range of resources including talking points, comment letter guidance and research. If you have any questions around these issues, email us. We’re here to support you.
The National Advocacy Fund (NAF)
The National Advocacy Fund (NAF) is the credit union movement’s vehicle for funding extraordinary advocacy initiatives that go far beyond the day-to-day blocking and tackling of lobbying and grassroots that we often define as advocacy.

Actions you can take
Make your voice heard by taking action on critical credit union issues. Through our Take Action Tools, you can help ensure credit unions are top of mind with lawmakers and regulators.

Grassroots Action Center
Engage your local lawmakers and keep them aware of key issues and legislation affecting credit unions.

Project Zip Code
Help us identify how many credit union members are in your district(s).

Member Activation Program
Get your members engaged in credit union advocacy with plug-and-play content.

Letters & Testimonies
Our message is strongest when we all speak with the same voice. Let’s do more than make noise. Let’s make a difference.
America's Credit Unions PAC
The purpose of the PAC is to provide the opportunity for individuals interested in the future of the credit union movement to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for federal office who believe and have demonstrated their belief in the principles to which the industry is dedicated.

Stay up to date
Get the latest information on the economy and elections, and potential impact on credit unions.

Economic Update
Each month our Data and Research team provides an overview of the economy and its impact on credit unions.

Elections Hub
Track how credit-union backed candidates are doing in this election cycle so far. Access information by state in our new 2024 Elections Map.

Credit Unions Vote
Are you and your credit union colleagues registered to vote? Your vote helps you and people throughout your community achieve financial well-being.