Become a strong and engaged leader on your supervisory committee

Earn the Certified Credit Union Supervisory Committee Member (CCUSC) designation, now incorporating the NAFCU Supervisory Committee Training Certificate, and put your best foot forward..  

Top reasons to earn the CCUSC designation:

  • Gain fundamental knowledge specific to your role
  • Leave ready to lead your credit union forward
  • Gain recognition for your commitment by earning the CCUSC designation   

  1. Register for Certified Credit Union Supervisory Committee Member eSchool
    *This eSchool is currently being updated and will be available for registration in the fall.
  2. Complete the required training at your own pace, and successfully complete the CCUSC exam.

Credit union Supervisory Committee members who need the fundamental knowledge to best execute their roles and provide crucial support for their credit unions.  

Attend a qualifying America’s Credit Unions event within three years of certification, or last recertification, date. Qualifying events include: