Available now: Blog highlights ‘Don’t Tax’ resources and GAC efforts
As the credit union tax fight intensifies, new America’s Credit Unions blog posts tackle advocacy engagement, how to utilize important credit union data, and an overview highlighting the record-breaking 2025 Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC).
The primary message in each: changing the credit union tax status is a tax increase for more than 140 million Americans, while providing information on the various tools and resources credit unions can use to bolster advocacy efforts.
Here’s a breakdown of the latest posts:
- Three steps you can take in the advocacy fight for credit unions: How to engage with Project Zip Code, the Member Activation Program, and the Don’t Tax My Credit Union campaign, and why all three play an important role in the tax fight
- Record-Breaking #GAC2025 - A Unified Fight to Protect Credit Unions’ Future: Whether you were there in person, watching from home, or want to learn more about it – learn about the sessions, keynote speakers and important takeaways from GAC.
- Using data to demonstrate the credit union difference: Access tools and tips to combat typical myths about credit unions, and learn where to find valuable data to bolster your credit union’s story.