Latest NCUA data shows credit union assets increased 2.3% in 2024

Credit union assets increased 2.3% from year-end 2023 to year-end 2024, according to NCUA’s latest call report data from the fourth quarter of 2024. The dollar amount of credit union loans outstanding increased 2.6% over the year, while delinquencies also rose by 15 basis points (0.98% from 0.83%). 

Net income at federally-insured credit unions declined by 5.1% over the year while, while:

  • Insured shares and deposits rose 3.4%;
  • Interest income rose 17.4%;
  • Total shares and deposits increased 4.2%; and
  • Net worth rose 5.7%. 

The NCUA makes credit union system performance data available in the Credit Union Analysis section of
