Mesack: Maintain advocacy momentum for tax fight

It’s time to build on the momentum of a record-breaking Governmental Affairs Conference, America’s Credit Unions Senior Vice President of Advocacy Greg Mesack wrote in an op-ed Friday.

Advocate and keep advocating, he wrote, as credit unions focus efforts on protecting their tax status, and how the credit union movement as a unified voice is the best method to defend the industry.

He cited the recent study commissioned by America’s Credit Unions that showed changing the credit union tax status would cost the federal government $33 billion in lost income tax revenue, reduce the GDP by $266 billion, and cost the economy more than 822,000 jobs over the next decade.

“I don’t think any member of Congress came into office with a tax increase—or economy-killing numbers like that—on their to-do list. That’s why our credit union advocacy must be unified, keeping our message front and center through hearings, negotiations, draft legislation and through any votes on tax reform.”

Mesack described the groundwork that’s already been laid by America’s Credit Unions and state leagues and how individual credit unions can help propel the movement even further:

“America’s Credit Unions—with our continued partnership with state leagues—will keep up the drumbeat by providing credit unions with resources they need. But it’s the credit unions who are doing the work in communities every day, making a difference in people’s lives, and ultimately, the constituents who policymakers listen to when making their decisions.”

Mesack outlined action items that engage lawmakers and capitalize on the moment. He asked credit unions to meet with their members of Congress, invite them to visit their credit union, and to keep reaching out with information using every resource available to them.

In order to be successful in this tax fight, Mesack asked credit unions to be relentless, because that’s what members are counting on.

“Let’s make our industry heard as a unified voice across the country, as a force that moves members and communities forward, and make sure credit unions can continue to make a difference for so many Americans.”

Read the full op-ed here.
