Nussle: Collaboration will result in better environment for credit unions

A theme of “comprehensive collaboration” drove discussions at the American Association of Credit Union Leagues’ (AACUL) Winter Conference this week, bringing together more than 250 industry leaders, advocates and partners. 

America’s Credit Unions President/CEO Jim Nussle addressed the group Thursday, looking ahead to challenges and opportunities facing credit unions, including the new 119th Congress.

“America’s Credit Unions and state Leagues have our work cut out for us, but it’s through comprehensive collaboration that we’ll meet these challenges and ultimately create a better environment for credit unions and those they serve,” Nussle said. He specifically emphasized the tax reform challenges that lie ahead, adding “preserving the credit union tax exemption is going to take all of us coming together.”

Nussle emphasized that leading at all levels of the industry is essential to keep a strong focus on credit union long term goals and the needs of members.

“We can only do what we do because of our partnership with Leagues and our member credit unions,” Nussle said. “The creation of a unified voice is our driving force positioning our industry for the future, ensuring credit unions remain essential, adaptable, and thriving.”

Leaders from America’s Credit Unions provided expertise in sessions throughout the conference. Chief Advocacy Officer Carrie Hunt discussed regulatory opportunities post-Chevron deference and also participated in a panel with league advocacy experts. Vice President of Policy Engagement and Credit Union Operations Ann Petros shared the latest on credit unions’ multi-pronged fight against interchange caps at the state and federal level.

