Welcome to A CU Seat at the Table

America’s Credit Union’s President and CEO Jim Nussle joins A CU Seat at the Table to welcome you to this new podcast and discuss the importance of a unified voice ahead of the industry's largest advocacy event, the Governmental Affairs Conference.


In this episode


Anthony Demangone, America's Credit Unions, Chief Membership and Engagement Officer


Jim Nussle, America's Credit Unions, President and CEO




Guest Bio

Jim Nussle is President and CEO of America's Credit Unions, leading the organization's efforts to protect, empower, and advance credit unions and their more than 140 million members. Nussle served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991-2007, representing Iowa. From 2001-2006, he served as chairman of the House Budget Committee. In 2007, President George W. Bush nominated him as the 36th director of the Office of Management and Budget.
