STATEMENT from America's Credit Unions on CFPB Director Chopra's End of Term

CFPB Director Rohit Chopra indicated the end of his term at the bureau Saturday morning. Chopra posted his letter to President Donald Trump on X. America's Credit Unions President/CEO Jim Nussle released the below statement: 

“Credit unions were the original consumer protectors, stepping in when people were abandoned or abused by other financial institutions. America’s Credit Unions advocates fiercely to ensure credit unions can continue this mission—urging regulators to recognize the unique structure and immense value of our industry. While we did not always agree with Director Chopra’s policies or approach to regulation, we thank him for his service and willingness to meet with credit unions. We look forward to working with the next CFPB director to pursue meaningful regulatory reforms that allow credit unions and their more than 140 million members to thrive while holding bad actors accountable,” said America’s Credit Unions President/CEO Jim Nussle.
